1700 -1800                               1750 U.S. population  1,170,760            .        0.31 persons/sq mi

1800 - 1900             ---0   -       -      1850  U.S.  population  23,191,876,760                  -         6.11 persons/sq mi
2014                    U.S. population  320,000,000            84.33 persons/sq mi

 2100                      U.S. population  1,000,000,000            294.78 persons/sq mi
Welcome to:  www.onebillionamericans.com ...


If you're sincerely concerned about the future of the U.S. because of unchecked population growth, this website is for you....



 U.S. Population 1700 to 2000, and Projected to 2100

Read on .....


Everyone somehow can intuitively “feel” that the quality of life in modern society is rapidly deteriorating -- more and larger traffic jams, graffiti, demonstrations, drugs, gang violence, fewer and fewer jobs, aggravating waits at the DMV, ubiquitous and flagrant illegal immigration, the "pump and dump" con games that have become mainstream Wall Street strategies, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, etc. -- despite constant misleading assurances by “leaders” and their media allies that things have never been better (never-ending repetitive cliche's are also known as propaganda.)  If you don't have a "Good Morning America" smile glued onto your face 24/7/365, there must be something seriously wrong with you [as the song says: Don't worry; be happy!]  










It’s obvious to any competent authority that the scientific and sociological consequences of unchecked population growth clearly are showing themselves more and more frequently.  Although these have been studied to death, only relatively feeble attempts have been made to make society aware, on a worldwide basis, of the disaster that’s coming.  Furthermore, even though numerous organizations are trying to make the public aware of the dangers of unchecked population growth, very few of the public are listening; worse, even fewer policy makers are trying to do anything about it.

There is a vicious battle going on between entrenched financial interests -- whose income and lifestyles depend upon ever-expanding WORLDWIDE economic, i.e. population, growth, who are resisting, and are going to continue to resist, any and all efforts to do anything to change their privileged lifestyles -- and the mainstream populace.  These include almost all U.S. legislators at all levels.  With approximately 40,000 registered lobbyists in Washington telling them what to do (and threatening to withhold their financial support if they don't), it's just too much to expect of them to stop infighting among themselves, to retain their own power, and seriously address the reality of an overcrowding crisis that affects everyone.  President Kennedy's famous admonition to:  ”Ask not what your Country can do for you but rather what you can do for your Country.” may be a popular cliche' among the troops but it clearly doesn't apply to legislators.


There is a vicious battle going on between entrenched financial interests -- whose income and lifestyles depend upon ever-expanding WORLDWIDE economic, i.e. population, growth, who are resisting, and are going to continue to resist, any and all efforts to do anything to change their privileged lifestyles -- and the mainstream populace.  These include almost all U.S. legislators at all levels.  With approximately 40,000 registered lobbyists in Washington telling them what to do (and threatening to withhold their financial support if they don't), it's just too much to expect of them to stop infighting among themselves, to retain their own power, and seriously address the reality of an overcrowding crisis that affects everyone.  President Kennedy's famous admonition to:  ”Ask not what your Country can do for you but rather what you can do for your Country.” may be a popular cliche' among the troops but it clearly doesn't apply to legislators.











Everyone  ... somehow can intuitively “feel” that the quality of life in modern society is rapidly deteriorating -- more and larger traffic jams, graffiti, demonstrations, drugs, gang violence, fewer and fewer jobs, aggravating waits at the DMV, ubiquitous and flagrant illegal immigration, the "pump and dump" con games that have become mainstream Wall Street strategies, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, etc. -- despite constant misleading assurances by “leaders” and their media allies that things have never been better (never-ending repetitive cliche's are also known as propaganda.)  If you don't have a "Good Morning America" smile glued onto your face 24/7/365, there must be something seriously wrong with you [as the song says: Don't worry; be happy!]  

It’s obvious ... to any competent authority that the scientific and sociological consequences of unchecked population growth clearly are showing themselves more and more frequently.  Although these have been studied to death, only relatively feeble attempts have been made to make society aware, on a worldwide basis, of the disaster that’s coming.  Furthermore, even though numerous organizations are trying to make the public aware of the dangers of unchecked population growth, very few of the public are listening; worse, even fewer policy makers are trying to do anything about it.

Read on ... if you're sincerely concerned about the future of a  "1984 Big Brother" - style U.S. -- where there will be no such thing as solitude and privacy, where it will be impossible to "get away from it all"; where people will congregate in hordes, not isolated groups ; where hard drug usage will be ubiquitous; and where streets will resemble one giant flea market of vendors hawking any and every kind of junk imaginable.

This website ... attempts to look at political, economic and social events that are manifestations of the overcrowding problem, through realistic eyes, and not through rose-colored glasses.  Tell us about what YOU see happening around you because of the exploding U.S. and world population. 

Here are ... some comments by concerned viewers.   Send us ... your comments as an email and we'll post them as below.
















1900 - 2000                 1950 U.S. population 151,325,798      -     39.88 persons/sq mi                       










































































Don't Worry; Be Happy!






When I was a kid fresh out of college many years ago, a person would apply for a job at a company or with government, got a timely interview and, most of the time, a job offer. Multiple job offers and companies competing salary- and perks-wise with each other were the norm, not the exception. Nowadays, I can’t even begin to imagine the devastation and frustration that must be felt by job seekers when they can’t get a job after sending out hundreds or even thousands of resumes. There’s something seriously wrong when, for example, 10,000- up to as many as 50,000- applicants apply for a handful of temporary jobs. In the meantime, our elected ”leaders” and their media allies reassure us that they’re getting us out of the high-unemployment mess. The adults in the room, however, understand that high unemployment is a natural result of overpopulation; is here to stay, and policy makers had better start paying more than lip service to the unemployment effects of the coming population bomb.  “Don’t worry, be happy!" is not going to cut it for much longer.


















Treasury Secretary Lew's Position on Immigration Reform






On Bloomberg TV this morning (July 3, 2013) Treasury Secretary Lew remarked that: “Immigration reform would create a new wave of consumers.” Direct Quote!  Thank you   Sec. Lew for vindicating my claim that the real reason for all the sudden immigration reform haste is to bail out ASAP the banks, real estate people and all the other businesses that over-expanded during the Baby Boom bubble. See my earlier post: 













Reply to Treasury Secretary Lew's Position on Immigration Reform
















What Treasury Sec. Lew failed to mention was that along with the new wave of consumers come all the problems of overcrowding: crime, diseases, traffic jams, smog, depletion of natural resources, high unemployment, water shortages, etc. Take a ride along Interstate 5 in California's San Joaquin Valley and look at all the signs posted by farmers whining because their subsidized cheap water is coming to an end -- a clear example of  present and future political battles over competition for California's limited water resources. 






 If you farmers think that you have water problems now, when the population of California is "only" approx.37million (plus who knows how many million illegals), just wait until the population reaches 120 million!












Labor Secretary Perez' Position on Immigration Reform






On Nov 8, 2013, Bloomberg Business reported that Sec. of Labor Perez belched out an incredulous party-line statement supporting more growth as the solution to the U.S.’s economic and social problems. If this was intended to reinforce the Obama Administration's  "Anybody and anything goes." immigration policy, you can count on the U.S. turning into a Third World cesspool of crime and drugs in only a few years!








One Billion could happen during YOUR lifetime





Recently I chanced upon some frightening statistics. The US population grew by 76 million in the first half of the 20th Century, and it grew by 130 million in the final half. That is nearly DOUBLE the growth in a mere 50 years. Moreover, at this rate the US could reach 900 million by the year 2100... and from there to One Billion Americans is a tiny step with major consequences. With improved healthcare comes greater longevity. Almost everyone born after the Baby Boomers era (plus their offspring) could still be living in 2100, and each one will require places to live and work. Paved subdivisions, paved lots for vehicles, and paved roads to join them will substantially reduce the amount of available farmland. Even with GMO crops and Frankenfoods, depleted soil still becomes less productive. In times of shortages and hunger, do YOU want to compete for food with your grandchildren? Meanwhile, every other nation on Earth is expanding as well. If you think the US birthrate is out of control, take a look at our neighbors; not to mention China, India, and Japan. All resources are finite, and those fortunate enough to control them may become unwilling to sell. (Think oil, for starters.) Are we doomed? I think not, provided we make changes NOW and prepare for the changes to come. Much can still be done on an individual basis. Moving Government entities is much more difficult; but hopefully not yet impossible. I do have many opinions, and a few suggestions. If anyone indicates interest I am willing to share and discuss. But like the original Cassandra (to whom nobody listened) if nobody is listening I shall go my own way and strive to make my loved ones safe.










A U.S. in 2100






Last night, I happened to tune in a television program where the topic was what might happen if mankind continues on its present unchecked growth trajectory. I believe, but I’m not certain, that it was one of the History channels. I think that it was entitled Earth 2100.  The producers gave a doomsday scenario wherein society eventually falls apart due to a deadly virus, global warming, sea level rise, and other such fiction manufactured by politicians, their media allies and Hollywood all desperate to stay relevant.

The History channels are generally full of factual errors. Throw in plenty of political propaganda and you can’t place too much reliance on the content. However, the gist of this program was that disaster will occur by the year 2081. Okay. I’ll give the producers the benefit of doubt, even though I would project a different scenario.

What caught my immediate attention, however, was the alternative non-doomsday scenario prophesied for 2100 where they pointed out that energy conservation, technologies such as stackable autos to save space, electric cars, solar arrays, windmills and other such nonsensical 19th and early 20th Century schemes could save mankind.  Three points immediately stand out:  First, none of the serious energy production technologies (I define serious energy production technologies as those where energy is produced in a highly concentrated form and not diffusely spread out) such as controlled thermonuclear plasma fusion or focused satellite solar energy transmission was even mentioned;  Second, every one of the ”Save Mankind” schemes neglects unchecked population growth and, in fact, they all are technologies that will actually ENCOURAGE  population growth!!!! ; and, Third, these energy conservation policies will lead to a lowered standard of living.

Boys and girls and all the adults in the room, there is only ONE policy that can save mankind. We all know what that policy is, but as usual, political correctness rules, and no one has the testicles to spell it out: “Stop Having All Those Kids!”  Not only should Zero Population Growth become Global policy, its message should be shouted from the rooftops, in full page newspaper ads, ubiquitous TV ads, in email spam instead of those annoying Viagra ads, etc.  Maybe someone reading this post can start an email spam chain with the message: STOP HAVING ALL THOSE KIDS!!!! 

Mankind needs a Manhattan Project-type all out war on unchecked population growth starting NOW!












Re: One Billion could happen during YOUR lifetime






Thank you Cassandra. What an excellent, insightful post!   Most affected people can relate to the degradation of the quality of life that accompanies unchecked population growth.  What people don't understand -- or bury their heads in the sand out of fear of losing their jobs and current high standard of living -- is why the governments of developed countries allow, and even encourage, perpetual expansion. 

Here's why unchecked growth is happening in the U.S. 

The whole immigration issue has been portrayed as how the US needs immigrants, legal and otherwise, as workers. This is not at all the case. The real reason is that the economic system needs immigrants as consumers -- not as workers -- because the Baby Boomers are dying off and all the expansion bubbles of the Boomer Era are now at risk. It's a smokescreen for the GROW, GROW, GROW policy that the economic system needs to exist in its current form. With a near-stagnant population, who's going to buy all those overbuilt houses; fill all those overbuilt shopping centers;  keep opening bank accounts at all those overbuilt banks; buy all those overbuilt cars;  go to all those overbuilt restaurants?

The easy solution is to flood the US with ANYBODY, so long as they SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!   QUALITY OF LIFE BE DAMNED!   The hard solution is to modify the system so that it doesn’t demand perpetual growth  to keep itself viable.

The US has a current population of approx 312 million -- with hyper-expansion planned through massive immigration and amnesty-for-illegals policies.   Do YOU want to live in this country when the population reaches 600 million or even 1 billion --OR MORE(!) – like China and India?  I sure as hell don’t!  Whatever happened to ZERO POPULATION GROWTH?  No one listened! That's what happened! Unchecked population growth is a very serious issue, and this time around  with a much larger world population than 50 years ago, policy makers had better damned well do something before the population bomb explodes in their faces.










Comments on Immigration by Archbishop Jose Gomez






Archbishop Jose Gomez recently regurgitated on Los Angeles television station KABC the well-worn cliche' how the U.S. has always been a nation of immigrants who have contributed greatly to the economic strength of the Country. Sorry, Archbishop, that may have been in fact the situation 150 years, ago but it’s not the case today.

200 years ago the U.S. was primarily wilderness -- with a small population -- and there was plenty of room for westward expansion. Today, with a population of 312 million, the desirable living places are nearly all gone and westward expansion has reached the Pacific Ocean. There’s not much premium room left for new immigrants. Most immigrants do NOT start highly successful businesses that contribute significantly to the economy. How can they? Most are uneducated and struggle to eke out a lower middle class existence. These immigrants open restaurants, do menial work and pollute the streets with crime, graffiti and food trucks. The Apples, Googles, Microsofts and other major companies are the exception and not the norm. This is why the once great cities are turning into cesspools of violence and indifference. Think Detroit, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc.

The effects of overcrowding – all the evils of contemporary society and knee-jerk band-aid fixes --are clear to anyone who cares about the future of the U.S.  As an enlightened ex-Catholic, I am disgusted that scientifically ignorant people like Archbishop Gomez and the hierarchy of the Catholic Church do not!  If they did, they would support a zero population growth policy instead of the insane self-serving unchecked population expansion policy that’s going to lead to certain disaster. The Catholic Church (like all other churches) is just another business whose purpose is to sell a product (eternal salvation) to customers (parishioners.)  Like any business, churches need to keep the customers coming to remain viable!  To them, that means GROW, BABY, GROW  (as in BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY, i.e., KEEP HAVING THOSE KIDS, KEEP HAVING THOSE KIDS!)

Another point Archbishop Gomez conveniently ignores is that 150 years ago there was no institutionalized welfare system. Nowadays, uneducated and illiterate immigrants are a huge drain on the economy--and the situation will get a lot worse -- before (if) it ever gets better-- as they flood into the U.S. unchecked..

Archbishop: You are from Mexico City. Do you really want Los Angeles and the rest of the U.S. to grow into extensions of the slums of Mexico City?  Quite honestly, I don't think you or the Catholic Church give a damn so long as you and the Church hierarchy can remain shielded from the effects of overcrowding because of privileged lifestyles!   However, be aware: There IS going to come a day of reckoning for all these unrelenting pro-growth policies. Let’s hope that you, and the Catholic Church hierarchy, shape up before unchecked population growth destroys YOUR privileged lifestyles directly.   The U.S. is well on its way to becoming a Third World nation!












Re: One Billion could happen during YOUR lifetime





Most people today think that they are much smarter and forward thinking than those who were writing and thinking about our world fifty or sixty years ago. However, then "population explosion" and "zero population growth" were phrases and concerns of the day. That was a more introspective and humanitarian time. Drug use and violence were not as common as today and people had time to think about the results of their actions. Today, the books of that era are again becoming popular. Try reading: "Atlas Shrugged", "1984", and others I have not mentioned. People, then, used to stress thinking and consequences of their actions. Today, people do what they see on television, the violent movies, and of course the most irresponsible part of the internet. If people were taught to think things through to consequences of their actions, much would be different, and unchecked population would not be an issue.




I live in California and just returned from a few days of trout fishing in the northern Sierras Feather River area.

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) runs a lot of hydropower plants in the Feather River Canyon and opens much of the land to the public for fishing, hunting, hiking, etc. I did not see a single graffiti desecration of that beautiful country. It's clear that they are not going to let criminal illegals destroy their properties by people who just don’t give a shit about anyone, including themselves. Good for you, PG&E!






While I was fishing, I had a chance to contemplate that what REALLY would have an impact upon the future of the U.S. would be a NATIONWIDE effort to rid it of ALL graffiti. AN ALL OUT WAR ON GRAFFITI! Think what the U.S. would be like undesecrated. People might even want to live in urban America once again!

Are there any politicians out there with the testicles to pick up on the idea? I think not!

By the way, fishing was excellent with a mix of rainbows of all sizes!